lunedì 18 novembre 2013

Un pacco che arriva da un amico...A package that arrives from a friend

Un pacco che arriva da lontano...e che è stato spedito tanto tempo aspettare ne è valsa la pena!!
Ebbene svelo il misterioso pacco è di...Giac!!
Accompagnato anche da una bella lettera in italiano..
A package that comes from far away ... and it was shipped a long time ago ... but wait it is worth it!Well reveal the mysterious parcel is ... Giac! 
Also accompanied by a nice letter in Italian ..

Ho aperto velocemente il voluminoso pacco , anche un po' pesante e...
Una libreria tutta per me di Giac...una preziosa libreria gotica!!
Ed ora devo trovarci  assolutamente una collocazione che faccia onore a questa preziosa libreria e riempirla di libri importanti.

I quickly opened the massive pack, even a little 'heavy ...WONDERFUL! 
A library to myself Giac ... a precious Gothic library!

And now I must absolutely find a place that does honor to this valuable library of books and fill it important.

e perchè questo non bastava pacco era pieno di stoffe che mi saranno utilissime per i miei lavori futuri!!
 and why this was not enough ... the parcel was full of fabrics that I will be very useful for my future work!

stoffe più pesanti per poltrone, tessuti che brillano come queste...
 heavier fabrics for chairs, fabrics that shine like these ...

ed infine in seta...
 and finally in silk ...

Grazie  Giac della tua generosità, della bella amicizia e di questo bellissimo dono.
Quando andrò a visitare il tuo blog e guarderò quei meravigliosi lavori penserò che sono fortunata a possedere  anch'io una preziosa libreria dal  tuo stile inconfondibile!
Se qualcuno non conosce il blog  (che non penso!) qui c'è il link di Giac e correte a visitarlo!!

Colgo l'occasione di salutare i miei nuovi followers:
1717 mk
Victoria C
Baby paris
Donna Humphries

E vi ricordo che fino al 24 novembre potete iscrivervi al mio Giveaway natalizio :
 luci per l'albero + pacchetto misterioso

And remember, until November 24, you can subscribe to my Christmas Giveaway:

  lights for the tree + mysterious package!

Ciao a tutti 

da Manu

20 commenti:

  1. Ciao Manu! Giac spoiled you so much with this great package, enjoy your new goodies :D! Yes, he is a kind and generous man! I love that gothic bookcase and all the wonderful fabrics he sent you.
    I think I have missed your Christmas give away, I'll go and see, thank you for reminding, Manu!
    Un abbraccio, Ilona

  2. What a wonderful fabrics and cute cabinet!

  3. Manu the library is amazing. What a wonderful gift. I am sure you will find a project for that beautiful fabric as well.

  4. Fantastic gifts, the bookshelf is amazing! What a wonderful bounty Giac sent you. a great mini friend.

  5. What a gift. I am so in love with your beautiful bookcase. It's always great with lovely fabric. I look forward to seeing what you will do with them. You are so lucky.

  6. What a wonderful book shelf. I look forward to seeing it filled with books and/or other items and a great selection of fabrics. The silks are beautiful.

  7. La estantería s una verdadera obra de arte.
    Y las telas son muy prometedoras. De todo seguro que sale un buen proyectp.

  8. Stupenda la libreria e belle le stoffe. Non vedo l'ora di ammirare i tuoi nuovi lavori fatti con tutto questo.
    Saluti, Faby

  9. Congratulations Manu!! So beautiful gifts! And thank you very much for your warm welcome! Hugs

  10. This must have been one of those moments in life when the heart attack was only 5 seconds away... ;O) Giac spoiled you rotten - that bookcase is breathtaking... but okay - everything that guy does is breathtaking and outstanding. Enjoy your beautiful gifts, I'm curious to see what you're going to do with them.


  11. Wow Manu you're so lucky! Giac is a great artist and you now own a piece of art. The fabrics too are very beautiful. Enjoy your treasures.
    Hugs, Drora

  12. I love the bookcase it is beautiful. What a wonderful prize! Take care. x

  13. Oh my goodness! That library shelf is outstanding! And all the beautiful fabrics! It's a wonderful gift.

  14. les tissus sont très beaux ! La bibliothèque est superbe !!!
    c'est un vrai plaisir de recevoir de si jolis cadeaux.
    Bisous. rosethé

  15. unos regalos preciosos , seguro que los aprovecharas muy bien



  16. Cara Manu, what beautiful presents, you are a lucky girl :)
    Enjoy everything !!!!!

    Un abbraccio Anna

  17. Wow! What an amazing gift! I´m ufre youé over the moon with it! Enjoy!
    Hugs Melli

  18. Congratulations on your wonderful gifts from Giac!!! He is so generous--you must be thrilled!!! Enjoy your new treasures! xo Jennifer
